Sneaker washing
Keep your sneakers fresh with our specialized shoe washing service in Cusco. We have experts in sneaker care who use the best products, so you can always wear spotless sneakers.

Washing dresses
Our laundries in Cusco offer high-quality and reliable dress washing service. Request your delivery and let us wash your dress!

Sportswear washing
We offer you the best care for your favorite garments, especially for your sportswear for daily use. We are proud to offer high quality and reliable laundry processes in Cusco

Washing Pants
Get your clothes clean with our professional laundry service in Cusco! We offer cleaning, drying, and ironing of pants in Cusco. Book now!

Quilt washing
We offer quilt washing with home delivery in Cusco, using specialized techniques and quality control. Leave your quilts looking like new! Contact us now.

Jacket Washing
Keep your houses clean with our professional laundry service in Cusco! Guaranteed quality laundry service. Contact us now!

Shirt Washing
Do you need a laundry and ironing service for your shirts in Cusco? We offer high-quality shirt washing with the utmost care. Place your order today!

Sweater Washing
Keep your sweaters in optimal condition with our laundry service with home delivery in Cusco! Lavamatic takes care of washing sweaters of all kinds of materials.

Washing Skirts
Do you need to wash your skirts and don't have the time? We can help! We offer a professional skirt washing service in Cusco.

Blanket Washing
Leave the washing of your blankets in our hands. Get clean, soft, and odor-free blankets. Contact us now and enjoy fresh and clean blankets.

Curtain Washing
Looking for reliable and efficient curtain washing and ironing service for an event or special occasion? In our curtain washing service, we offer you a quick and effective solution. Contactus

Washing Pillowcases
Wrinkled pillowcases? In our ironing service, we make sure they are clean and wrinkle-free. Enjoy a comfortable night's sleep!

Washing sheets
Do you want fresh and soft sheets every night? Our ironing service leaves your sheets clean and perfectly pressed. Enjoy a restful sleep!

Tablecloth Washing
Are you looking for a reliable and efficient tablecloth laundry service? With our laundry service, we take care to ensure that your tablecloths are perfectly cleaned.
A good laundry service begins with the pick up of your clothes. Our process orders and identifies the specific washing instructions for each article according to color, temperature and without mixing the client's clothes with others.
Benefits of laundry with Lavamatic
- We ensure that your garments has more durability and keep it fibers almost intact.
- Lavamatic has the ability to wash larger items, duvets and blankets.
- We also have fast service to avoid concerns.
- Our professionals pay careful attention to each detail.
- We respect and care for the environment using ecological products without using aggressive chemicals.